pedigree database online

Pedigrees, trial-matings, inbreeding coefficients, litters,
breeder pages, online editing, import and export data,
user friendly, free unlimited users and administrators


breeder pagebreeder page

mapsearchsearch breeders on a map

pedigree analysispedigree analysis

Pedigree Database Online

The PDO database is especially developed for breed clubs and breeders to register animals and health information, show pedigrees and calculate COI and AVK. With this information it offers the possibility for making well informed breeding decisions to improve your breed.

This database is, for the time being, still a personal project that began as something we created for ourselves. Over time, others and clubs expressed interest in using it. In its current setup, we can provide good and prompt support for approximately 50 databases while continuing to work on further development and maintenance. Apart from those who have already contacted us, we cannot host more databases for the foreseeable future.


Animal characteristics, pedigrees, pictures, documents, litters, litter registrations, breeders, owners, health-information, show en other results can be entered in the database. With this data you can make trial-matings, analyze pedigrees, calculate real time (up to) 10 generation inbreeding-coefficients and ancestor loss coefficients, and search for common ancestors. You can download pedigrees and certificates in a PDF format. The database was originally setup for dogs but is now also used for other species like cats, hamsters, hedgehogs, pigs, cattle and rats.

It's user friendly

Users and administrators can search for animals in alphabetical order or by specific characteristics. Breeders can be found in an alphabetical list, by area or even on a map. Animals can be easily added or edited from within the pedigrees. Depending on the settings users can make changes but these changes will only be publicly visible after approval by an administrator.
Users can alter their own account information.

No installation needed

You can start working in the database without installation-procedures. Technical knowledge is not required. We will host your database as a sub domain of There are automated daily backups and we will periodically update the software to the latest version. You can make adjustments in the page-layout like changing colors and banners. You can also add custom information fields and switch on or off features like show results, litters, breeding animals and breeders. Help with the setup is included. If you have requests for extra features or changes we will try to add this if we think this is useful for all databases.
If you are interested we can setup a free one month trial database so you can try before you decide.


You can make unlimited users and specify access to the various possibilities for different user groups. That way you can make your database completely open or only available for registered users and allow your users to make changes to the animals. You can make custom information fields for breed specific issues like special health concerns, diseases or other information. Users can be assigned to (custom) user groups. You can set for each user group who can see, edit or approve information fields (per field) and set who can see or edit show results, breeders, litters and breeding animals. Of course we will help you with this setup.
The database is provided in English but can be supplied with 3 languages if you make the translations yourself.

Importing and exporting data:

The data from the database can be imported or exported in CSV-format to use in excel or other common databases. There are automated daily backups and you can make manual backups in mysql format you can use in other databases.



You can contact us at
This database is a private project from pedigree enthusiasts.

Feature list

Main features
  • record information in standard and custom fields, like titles, parents, breeder, owner, health results, show results, (registered) litters, etc.
  • let registered users enter information (which has to be approved by an admin) or let only administrators enter information
  • profile page for all animals with:
    • all recorded information
    • real time COI (Coefficient of Inbreeding) and "AVK" (Ahnenverlustkoeffizient)
    • pedigrees 3/7 generations
    • offspring
    • siblings
    • pedigree analysis
    • pedigree including siblings
  • trial matings
  • profile pages for breeders with their animals, litters and results
  • make (registered) litters and/or litter ads
  • enter results from shows and events on the profile page or enter entire shows/events at once
  • results from shows and events
  • PDF pedigrees and certificates
  • import and export animals and accounts in CSV format (Excel compatible)
  • unlimited animals, users and administrators at no extra cost
  • email help desk for admins.
Customizable information fields
Standard fields, custom fields and grouped fields:
  • there are a number of standard fields like: Registration number, color, date of birth, date of death, cause of death, country of birth, 3 pictures, breeder, owner, microchip number, pre- and post-title and comments.
  • 30 custom information fields
  • special (health) information fields or groups
    • unlimited health fields
    • associated fields can be grouped to a single result so it's possible to, for example, group all relevant fields into a single eye test with a test date
    • each information group can contain 30 information fields (255 characters)
    • in each group there is one large text field (5000 characters)
    • store multiple results for the same test like an annual eye test
    • export lists of information fields to excel (in csv format)
For each field it's possible to set:
  • the type: text, drop-down with one choice, drop-down with multiple choice, document, picture, check-boxes, date, etc.
  • the order/position
  • who can see/edit/approve it by user group
  • choose if the field should be shown in the pedigrees
  • if it is required
  • if a field can only be seen and/or edited by the approved owner of the animal
  • the number of characters a field can contain (max 255)
Multiple breeds/variations/species
Our databases are setup for a single breed but we can accommodate up to 3 closely related breeds/variations/species. More breeds can be made available at extra costs. Breed selection:
  • use an optional switch in the main menu to limit searches to only that breed.
  • breeds can be set for both animals and breeders.
  • animals from all breeds can still be shown in the same pedigrees.
  • all features, settings, custom fields and generated documents are the same for all breeds. All breeds use the same database and settings.
  • this feature is only available for a pre-agreed on number of breeds. We will assess on a case by case basis what is possible and if extra costs are involved. Please contact us if you want to use this feature.
Show and event results
See and add show and event results on the animal page. The results are also shown on the breeder page.
  • there is an optional results page with a list of all shows and for each show a page with all results
  • show-results can be entered for entire shows
Menu/extra text pages
  • adjustable menu
  • show menu-items only to certain user-groups/memberships
  • add extra text-pages
  • there is a page with a list of breeders.
  • search for breeders by name, country, region, on map or in alphabetical order.
  • breeders can have a page with their animals, litters, show and event results, contact information and a contact form.
  • search breeders by breed.
  • breeders can have a summary of registered tests per owned animal.
  • enter entire litters in one form.
  • make litter ads with text and pictures that are shown on a litter ads page.
  • make litter registrations to record day of mating, details about birth, pictures, etc. and add custom fields to keep information about all litters.
Upload documents
Multiple documents, like DNA profiles or health test results, can be put publicly or privately online. We do have a limit but with your own (inexpensive) amazon S3 account unlimited documents can be stored.
PDF pedigrees/Certificates/documents
  • PDF downloads possible for pedigrees, certificates (both animals and breeders), or other documents
  • it is possible to make these downloads only available for owners, admins or certain user groups
  • these PDFs are customizable.
User sign up
Users can sign up as member or breeder. There are different setup possibilities:
  • no user signup, only admins can add accounts
  • member/breeder signup without admin approval
  • member signup without approval, breeder sign up with administrator approval
  • member/breeder signup with administrator approval
  • admins can add non public accounts
Database access
There are different setup possibilities, for example:
  • private:only the log in screen is public (administrators can make accounts)
  • open or partly open for viewing for all visitors
  • editing can only be done by logged in users. All changes always have to be approved by administrators. It's possible to give certain users administrative rights for some or all fields and features
User friendly:
  • easy search
  • advanced search
  • add animals in pedigree
  • search breeders on map
  • orderly organized
  • easy to manage
  • email help desk for admins
  • administrator tutorial
  • make your own translation
  • write and edit your own texts
  • adjustable menu
  • turn features on or off
  • adjust colors
  • upload your own header
  • custom information fields
Easy to manage:
  • make custom user groups to set who can access features and menu items and who can see/edit/approve information.
  • email notifications to administrators on changes made by users
  • automated backups (no images)
  • unlimited users/administrators
  • English/Dutch support by email
  • import/export csv(excel)
  • we host it for you
Yearly fee €395,-
+ €100,- initial setup fee only the first year

copyright 2011-2025 Pedigree Database Online